Good Day Everyone !
A note about my blog if you do not see the current date ,please scroll down to find the word HOME or NEWEST to get to the most recent post on my blog. Have a great day everyone !!!!
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
More Bee's
I found 3 more bee blocks and this is what I put together today with one Bee block~ A very summer lap quilt !
Bumble Bee Lap Quilt
Here I have done another version of my Bumble Bee lap quilt. I had 4 more bee's to play with so this is what I created today !
Veggie Eggplant Parma
Grilling eggplant for my Lasagana! I prefer to cook my eggplant this way, less oil and lower in calories.
Peachy Apron
Something Special
My son is modeling my handmade Birthday apron for someone special. Have to get it wrapped and in the mail asap !!! Thanks son for being such a trooper !
Thursday, February 23, 2012
2 New Projects
Top photo the material will be for a baby wall hanging ! I am playing catch up here !
The second photo I will be making scarves ! Tried to find a knit shirt with navy and white but still on the hunt for the colors. These shirts were 5 dollars each........ good bargain for this project! The material has to have a certain feel ,not a cheap quality fabric.
Ok here is one finished scarf,it came out reallly cute! Especially under a jacket or sweater to add layers ,and to add a bit of contrast in colors to any outfit !!!
Down The Road
Went down the road to get the tail light fixed. When we went shopping a couple of months ago, we came out of the store, jumped in our car, and found a note on the windsheild. The note was to apologize for bumping into our tail light and breaking it to bits. We jumped out of the car and went to look and yup it was all busted out but good. What amazed us was the guy was really really sorry for backing up to our car. So he left all his info for us to contact him ,so he could pay for this accident. AMAZING. It is hard to find good people like this in this time and era! So bless him for being such an honest person. No worries he send the check to cover the cost, but it is not easy finding an honest person these days,but we sure did !!!
So now the tail light is all fixed and works fine !!!
So now the tail light is all fixed and works fine !!!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Almost finished
I have stitched together my quilt. Now to applique flowers in different squares to make my quilt pop !!!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Carrot Cake
Carrot cake I made today ! It came out so moist so will use my recipe I came up with again !! Instead of using like 1/2 cup of oil I used 3 small individual servings of Mott's green applesauce which would be 1/2 cup of applesauce and 3 tablespoons of olive oil ~You can use Chunky apple sauce if you like !
Bumble Bee Quilt
Here is my work in progress ,my bumble Bee Quilt. I have to add borders to the other 3 sides. Then I will Applique on some of the long rectangle blocks smaller flowers.
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Finishing up Valentine's Blocks
Looking in my stash of materials that will go with these finished blocks for an oversized lap quilt !
Japanese Like Baskets
I learned how to make these baskets one day with a friend and it was a fun afternoon project in Okinawa.
My art work
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Here are my Scones hot out of the oven. These scones do not super rise a lot. I love using these scones for my strawberry,blueberry, blackberry,apple or pear shortcake .Just remember to alter the jam you are using with the fresh fruit. Slice the scones in half spread strawberry jam on the top and bottom of the cut sides. Place the bottom of the scone jam side up add fresh sliced strawberries ,then whipped cream,place second scone jam side down. Add dollop of whipped cream and more sliced strawberries. add a sprig of fresh mint. Enjoy~ I love the light crunchness of the top and bottom of the scones.
Lets Roll
Ready to roll out the biscuit dough and cut out the biscuits~Just remember when forming the ball before rolling, do not over work the dough or the biscuits will be tough.
Yogurt Added To The Butter Flour
Ready to start the mixing~when working the yogurt into the flour just keep mixing even tho you might not think there is enough liquid ,it will be fine . Keep working the flour/yogurt to form into a ball.
Low Rise Scones
Cutting up the 1 stick of butter in 2 cups of White Lily flour,1/2 teaspoon sea salt, 1-1/4 teaspoon baking powder,1 tablespoon sugar
Kale Chips
Here is a new way to eat Kale as a snack. Break off stem of Kale and wash a few time to get rid of sandy soil from the leaves. Place in a lettuce spinner to get rid of excess water. Then dry with a linen towel as much as possible. Those water spots love to cling onto the crinkled leaves. Add Kale onto an edged cookie tray, spray with olive oil toss and spray again. Sprinkle with sea salt ,toss again,and place in oven around 350*. Toss and turn the Kale ever so often while cooking. There is a point when you check on the Kale it looks like they will not get crisp ,but hang on there ! When you least expect it the next time you toss the kale you will hear a crisp sound. Keep a close eye on the Kale when cooking you do not want to brown. Serve as a snack or with your favorite sandwich. Enjoy !
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